Sun Tzu and The Art of War
Know Your Enemy
“We are at war.”
I was really surprised when I heard someone make this statement recently. The person that said this would be a good example of the general public at large, just an ordinary person. These days, the average American citizen has only a basic education and is far from what I would refer to as an academic, yet to some of them it is quite clear that something is not right in the world. Certain people have somehow managed to retain their common sense and self-honesty amid the barrage of conflicting messages and false narratives being broadcast to the public. They know that something is certainly wrong but it remains elusive and cannot be clearly identified, which inhibits any kind of response; but at a sub-conscious level many are coming to understand that an attack is taking place. It is a question of by whom and for what purpose that remains unanswered.
We are at war, and as in any war, strategy must be developed and then deployed to the field of play. This is the Art of War.
If one is to practice the art of war successfully, certain conditions would first need to be in place. Like knowing you are under attack. As I mentioned, certain people are beginning to have a vague awareness of this “attack,” but for the most part this is where the public mind finds itself at a disadvantage. To them, war is tanks , artillery, bombed-out buildings and dead bodies, not ideas, economic manipulation, and mind control. They have been shown what war is on television and in that depiction it always involves physical violence. When the US invaded Iraq in 2003, we were told that “Shock and Awe” would somehow win the “hearts and minds” of Iraqi citizens through violence. I was never really sure how leveling a good part of Bagdad would result in the survivors treating our soldiers as “liberators,” but that’s another topic. The fact to be noticed here is that a psychological war was presented to the American public, and it would be accomplished militarily. The idea to be implanted was that war is easy to see, and you will know it when it comes for you; the concept of “silent weapons for quiet wars” was never mentioned.
Following the Sun Tzu doctrine, the art of war has been refined somewhat through the years, and then applied in other areas of life. The American people do not understand that they are under attack by psychological means. I cannot think of a better way of attacking someone, or something, than by one’s opponent being completely unaware that an attack is even taking place. This is how war can be waged without a physical confrontation, and is part of the Art of War philosophy.
We are at war…but who is our enemy?
Is it the international bankers and the corporations they control? Certainly, but who are they? We could come up with a list of names but these people are untouchable; we can’t get anywhere near them, even to ask a simple question. It is not possible to confront an enemy that you cannot approach, whether it be physically, or in a legal manner, for these people seem to be immune to the laws the we the common people are held to.
What about our federal and state government? In theory they have the power to control banking and corporate interests on our behalf but they don’t seem to be acting in this manner, and in fact have many times taken on an adversarial role to the public’s well-being and best interest. And just like the bankers and corporate powers, we have no real access to them. I cannot ask a direct question to the very people that are attempting to structure my own life and day-today affairs. Our political system is rigged and being controlled by banking and corporations. To see this control at the local level, just observe the proceedings of any city council or school board meeting; the public may address their “leaders” but cannot ask any direct questions and many times the board members look, well, bored and just seem to be going through the motions and playing a part, as if following a script. This is by design.
What we should now realize is that government on all levels is nothing but theater and that most of the “actors” are simply there to collect a paycheck. There are altruistic people involved in government, but they are ground down by the system and kept in line using various methods, primarily unemployment. Tow the line or you will be replaced. Understand that for the most part, you are given the illusion of choice when elections are held because both political parties are controlled by the same unseen hand of the elite.
The world oligarchs, the ultra-rich, are said to be of “bloodline” families that claim genetic connections to ancient “gods” (that we are told are only legends or myth) and they feel that this planet belongs to them. This idea comes straight from the Jewish Torah, known as the Old Testament in the West, and if you want to research this (which I strongly recommend) begin with Genesis 6:2 and the story of the Nephilim. Because of this “belief” of ownership, and through various financial schemes, they do now own everything on the planet of any real value. They own everything, whether it be property, or the institution we call government, means very little…they own it all. The last thing to be conquered is the public mind, and this seems to be nearly completed.
“America is like a heathy body and its resistance is threefold; its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas America will collapse from within.” Joseph Stalin
The above quote is a rough outline for the subjugation of American culture and is obviously Communistic in nature. We were first warned of a Communist takeover of America by Joseph McCarthy in the 1950’s. He was publicly ridiculed and personally attacked: he was “dealt with.” The fact that what he was trying to tell the public was actually true should be quite clear now. Communism is a form of government that concentrates power in the hands of the few and is the invention of the globalists and factions of Judaism, not Russia. The Russians were its first victim.
A word of warning here: We are living in an environment that many times in the past has led to violent revolution. The conditions we see today have been put into place intentionally and it is perhaps a trap to induce a violent response from the general public, giving government the excuse to bring in overwhelming force to counter such a revolt. We must not fall into this trap by responding with violence. There are inherent dangers in direct conflict and this is discussed in chapter seven of Sun Tzu’s doctrine of war. Using violence to counter violence also presents a moral dilemma that must be avoided. “Fight fire with fire” is nothing but cliché, and has no use in the real world other that battling an actual forest fire. If we are to stand from a platform of altruism it has to be defined in intelligence and wisdom. The intelligent and wise do not need violence to solve problems, and realize that it is this practice that has brought us to where we are today. We have other methods at our disposal, such as intense psychological intimidation, held by what is currently referred to as the Silent Majority. How to put this into practice needs to be explored, and I will tell you right now that this would require a large percentage of the general public to simply refuse to go along with the “rules” that have been put into place. We the people finance government at all levels and if enough of us stopped paying “taxes” (that are many times disguised as other things and given different names) our so-called leaders would have no choice but to actually do the things we need them to do and actually act in our best interest. This would be a non-violent revolt that would employ the same tactics that are used against us presently; fines and other monetary penalties for non-compliance.
Back to the Art of War: Know your enemy. We have accomplished this; we know who it is we must confront, but we cannot do this directly because of a defensive wall that they have built around them. We need a strategy and this is what chapter three in the Art of War is about, and based on this dictum: You must first identify your opponent’s strength and weaknesses.
The primary strength of our adversary is the ability to control the public mind, which has been done through modern media. At the same time, I will tell you that this is a primary weakness as well. But in order to better identify this weakness we must first understand how the “free press,” and media in general, was turned around and used against us. The fundamental answer to this question in the modern era is quite simple; media has been purchased by our enemy. They own about 90% of it, and because of this, own the mind of a large percentage of the collective psyche that constitutes the public mind or level of awareness of the general public. Stated in more simple terms, the controllers have been able to create a rather stupid and apathetic populace that is living in a fantasy land of misinformation and flat-out lies. Welcome to the the Matrix.
How was it done?
“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey: CIA director1981-1987
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” William Colby: CIA director 1973-1976
The above statements are a reference to something called Operation Mockingbird, a program that all involved will claim does not exist, even though it was brought out into the open in the Church Committee hearings of 1975. We are told things like this are a conspiracy theory.
Funny thing this “conspiracy theory” term, brought to you through Operation Mockingbird itself (circa 1968) in an effort to counter the public’s “unsatisfactory” response to the Warren Commission Report and its “magic bullet.” Right, the very people accused of conspiracies made up this term to discredit the idea. This is simply a version of the “controlled opposition” tactic, right from the “dirty tricks” playbook and is widely used. A very good example of this on a larger scale would be international banks funding both sides in a military conflict.
“Operation Mockingbird does not exist and there is no program of psychological warfare directed at the American people” we are told.
The shadow government (or the Great Oz, you pick) has spoken: it’s true because we say it’s true. But this is only “truth by assertion” and all available evidence points to the contrary. For instance, in 2012 the Obama/Biden administration repealed the Smith-Mundt act of 1948 that was intended to shield the American public from propaganda coming from our own government. It is now essentially “legal” to propagandize the public mind with taxpayer funds and the current Biden administration (whoever this might really be) has continued this practice at what I would call an astonishing pace. And there is now a revolving door between the White House and major news media, but simply not reported by Fox (guarding the hen house) News and their partners in crime.
Back to the “know your enemy” question. We have identified our enemy as international banking, large corporations, and government. But these institutions are attacking us through media and this is our actual opponent. The simple solution would be to turn this off. Ignore it.
Impossible to do. Media is pervasive in our day-to-day lives and in some instances is beginning to replace reality for many people. They will describe events in their own lives as depicted in films and television shows. A fantasy-land reality has been created that is “just like a movie” and has completely captured the mind of a large segment of the populace. I recently heard a talk-show host (on radio, with a national audience) describing political moves on the international stage to scenes in different films. This demonstrates how real-world experience has been supplanted by vicarious living through media; the shows host could not draw real world comparisons to the subject at hand but only things he had seen in film, which was all fiction. By broadcasting this to a large audience it becomes self-perpetuating and this is how the herd is moved. Git along lil’ doggie!
Another good example of mass media effectively managing the public’s attention would be how the covid hysteria was essentially “turned off” when military conflict in Eastern Europe began. It was like a spotlight being moved from the little monkey to the juggler in a circus act. Suddenly, after two years of being the top story, the “world-wide” pandemic no longer exists and is now only background noise. It has been moved to the back burner and will be used again when needed. This is mind control brought to you by your own government.
The same methodology behind Mockingbird ops is being used by multi-national corporations and actually originated with the work of Edward Bernays in the 1920’s. Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, and with insight gained from his uncle he was aware of the sometimes-irrational forces that drive human behavior, and had used this knowledge to write propaganda during the First World War. It was quite successful and after the war, corporate America had a job for this guy. And the task at hand was to get people to buy things they do not need. Currently, this position is being held by Amazon, and its owner Jeff Bezos has publicly stated that getting people to buy things they do not need is what he does. He seems proud of this. And he has been made fabulously wealthy for his effort and can take his friends on a rocket ride in a spaceship that looks like a…ah…it looks like a…
“We call that a winkie” says some kid in the back of the room.
I brought this little kid into our conversation to highlight an important point. The techniques used in mass marketing, and media in general, are most harmful to young minds that are not yet fully developed; it is for this same reason that we do not give a fourteen year old boy a six-pack of beer and the keys to a motorcycle. Mass media, in its current state, is a form of psychological poison that the young, and the many child-like adults our culture has produced, cannot defend themselves against. This is mind control and in my opinion is a criminal act.
Mind control: Alteration of a persons behavior in an observable manner without the persons permission or knowledge. Reducing the subjects ability to think critically or independently to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts or ideas into their minds and to change attitudes, values or beliefs.
“Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines beliefs of what is normal and acceptable.”
This is manufactured consent and has reached astonishing levels in what has been called the “post-modern era” that we now live in.
Research has shown that a type of hypnosis is induced when watching TV, making that person very susceptible to suggestion. Although I do not agree with using hypnosis to modify behavior, this technique could have been used in a very positive manner. But it was not. And when I analyze some of the “programming” aimed at the young I find it quite shocking that this could even be allowed. Satanic symbolism is used frequently and when this is directed at children, teens, and young adults it is quite clear what the objective really is. But there is symbolism for all in mass media, aimed at the sub-conscious mind, that is not blatantly obvious. A few examples would be the Google Chrome logo with the barely hidden triple six, Monster energy drink with the Hebrew 666 right on the front of the can, and Twentieth Century Fox as well as Fox News; the numerology for the letters f o x is 666. We now know our enemy by name, through symbolism.
And sometimes the messages are not really hidden at all, such as in the film Poltergeist, where the “TV people” are under control of the “beast.” The “TV people” are in all forms of mass media, and they are satanic in nature. Anyone that would engage in mind control for such nefarious ends has demonstrated a complete and total lack of empathy, and in my opinion, we should not consider them as human. The psychological force that is known as “satanic” is not of human beings, even though it is being presented to you by human forms.
I have often said that when a person is unaware of their own psychology they can be made a prisoner of it and this is exactly what has been done; the name given to this practice is neuromarketing. Some examples of neuromarketing would be what has been referred to as superficial cues that can result in “peripheral persuasion” of a person that might be distracted (this describes about 80% of the population) or maybe uninterested; but when that physically attractive person is shown eating that hamburger…don’t you want one now? Yeah, as we have heard, sex sells and exploiting this concept is just another way of manipulating emotion, just as emphasizing the death of children in an accident is always done in news reporting. This is mind control.
The technique of manipulating emotion can create the “pre-conditioned response” in the individual human just as easily as it can be done to a dog in Ivan Pavlov’s basement laboratory. This gives us things like using breast cancer to sell cars or furniture: and don’t miss our Fourth of July sale on deluxe widgets. Practices such as this also result in television commercials that are entertaining and enjoyable, with cute puppies to sell insurance, and funny mascots to sell insurance, and unbelievably weird circumstances to sell insurance. Did I mention repetition?
This is mind control and it is doing much more than telling you what detergent to buy. According to the latest TV ads, most of middle-class America (while it still exists) are in racially mixed marriages, and half of them are gay. Miscegenation and homosexuality are NWO agendas being employed as a partial means to weaken Western culture and dilute the European gene-pool, and the pattern emerging here should be clear.
We are at war and our enemy is the super wealthy; they have a big club that we are not in…we are viewed as property. But the 1% cannot possibly defeat the 99% in a fair fight, so mind control is being employed. Colloquially speaking, we could just call this behavior satanic and it does dovetail quite nicely with Christian dogma of Satan stealing your soul: if I can control your mind, I own your soul.
To the best of my knowledge there are only about a half-dozen or so production companies that write and create this garbage on television that we call marketing, and the practice of neuromarketing is a closely held secret. The reason for this is simple; once someone becomes aware of a mind control program it becomes inefficient and loses its effectiveness.
We have identified our enemy and have now have discovered a weakness in our opponents strategy…simple awareness.
So, when your news is “brought to you by Pfizer” you should be able to understand what is really going on. A pharmaceutical company is deciding what news you will be given and they have a product to sell that is toxic and potentially fatal. Everyone involved in the roll-out of this so-called vaccine, in both government and industry, knew before hand that this was not a vaccine but a depopulation agent. This is not theory but well known scientific fact. It is also plain-to-see genocide. The fact that this was deliberately hidden from the public brings mass-media to position #1 on our most wanted list. What are we going to do about his? If this is not stopped it will only get worse, and to prove this assertion I would point out that government and media were allowed to get away with the 9-11 stunt and it progressed into yet another, even more colossal fabrication in the form of covid-19 that is truly a crime against humanity. How long are we going to observe criminal behavior and remain silent?
Making this crime even more egregious is that media continues to carry on the charade of “safe and effective” in regard to vaccines. Again, this is a criminal act. An epidemic of strokes and heart attacks is being dismissed in a way that is almost comical and has been called “creepy propaganda.” Here are some highlights…
The American Heart Association issued this statement: We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and t-cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observation of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.
Twitter labeled this conclusion, that was made by qualified people and is based on real-world events and data, “unsafe.” So, I guess the unknown fact-checkers at Twitter can now practice medicine, right along with the lizards at Facebook, You Tube, Google, et al. Practicing medicine without a license is an actual crime but this issue has never been raised in public discourse.
And media just won’t quit, providing “alternate” reasons for heart attacks and strokes (this technique is to cause confusion in the public mind and “muddy” the water) such as:
Cold weather
Hot weather
Daylight savings time…dangerous for the whole family, causing strokes in children
Sex, along with something called “winter vagina,” whatever that might be
Skipping breakfast
Binge watching TV
But what tops the list came to me right from my local news channel. Ready for this? “Broken heart disease!” Sadness is now deadly and can give you a stroke. When the cute little girl that reads this stuff to us made this statement, I was shocked. How could she say such a thing? How could she keep a straight face when saying this? Are we dealing with adult children? Telling a lie this audaciously stupid and expecting anyone to believe it is very childish. Suddenly, the idea of getting this girl bent over my lap and spanking her backside is no longer fun and games, or an amusing “thought experiment,” but something that actually needs to be done.
We are at war…with adult children that are many times armed with lethal weapons. Although I am still tempted to make jokes about Happy Clown World[TM], I just can’t do it anymore. This is vey serious and truly is a life-or-death scenario. Media is also attempting to draw us into a WWW III situation, and is knowingly lying to the public in order to do so. Reporting on the Eastern European conflict is not “news,” but propaganda, and sometimes completely fabricated events, brought to us by the world elite that control our government, media, and almost everything we do. Everyone involved in creating this “manufactured reality” is guilty of treason.
Here is a message about the Ukrainian conflict from the real world, brought to you by Vladimir Putin himself: “Those that fail to learn from history will have to repeat the lesson. Russia has learned the lesson. If it has to be taught again, we will teach it.”
From Russia, with love.
We are at war, and by following the doctrine of Sun Tzu we have been able to draw some conclusions. We know our enemy; it is our own government and media which has been purchased by our primary opponent, the world oligarchs. It is our own regulatory agencies, that have been acquired through “bureaucratic capture” and are now useless to us. “Entertainment” has been used to de-base our culture, and educational systems have been used to create a nation of dim-wits that need to be entertained. And it our formally “free press” that has been overtaken and the honest personnel purged, keeping the citizenry uninformed, apathetic and divided.
We seem to be up against insurmountable odds. What is our strategy to deal with this? Years ago someone had asked me a hypothetical question: What would be the first thing I would do if suddenly given control of everything in this country. My answer was to shut down all media immediately and begin to restructure the whole endeavor into something constructive. Sadly, this is not possible and because of this I have no solid answer to this question today, as in a step-by-step method to accomplish a stated goal. An obvious strategy is a mass awakening of the general public, but this “awakening” has been attempted by many people, for many years now, and seems to have accomplished very little. We appear to be in an “every man for himself” situation.
We have met the enemy, and he is us.
When I have found myself involved in misfortune in the past, before pointing out the fault of others, I have always looked at my own behavior first and many times discovered that whatever it was that had happened to me, I did it to myself. We did this to ourselves. The only positive outcome that I can presently find in all of this is rather morbid: the physically and intellectually inferior are about to be removed from the gene-pool through a rather rapid version of Darwinian natural selection.
And following the Sun Tzu doctrine: Never interfere with an enemy when he is destroying himself.
Maybe the only effective strategy we currently have is to allow the game-board to clear itself of human debris and other forms of detritus. I think that most people would agree that it is time to pull some weeds from the garden; they are simply choking the more heathy and desirable plants and preventing them from prospering.
Let’s go Darwin.
But we did not do this to ourselves. According to Dr Mercola, 95% of all newborns in the US for example have their umbilical cords severed within seconds of leaving the birth canal, just 'like we see in the movies' to ingrain the normality of such a process in our consciousness so that it looks to be the obvious and normal way to go about doing things, but this injurious process is actually causing permanent brain damage and damage to the function of will to create and maintain a handicapped and thus more easily subjugated and unaware slave class.
The umbilical cord should never be severed or tied off until 20 minutes or so after the baby has exited the birth canal, or until a continued pulse transferring blood from the mother to the baby is no longer present in the cord, and the colour of the cord indicates blood is no longer passing through it to the baby, which it surely does for a very natural, obvious and highly important and vital reason, all this being supposedly unbeknown and not obvious to allopathic obstetricians of course.
It has been estimated that 20% of a child's IQ is permanently destroyed by this effective zombification process. The Hollywood zombie movies are a Jewish joke, they love to see the real-life zombies they made in the audience unaware of the fact so that the dumbed-down goyim are actually made to laugh at cruel screen depictions of themselves, not realizing that the joke is really on them.
The lungs are compacted when in the womb, and the vascular system of them only fills and inflates the lungs when the transfer of blood from the mother is complete, this normally takes place to full completion after the baby has exited the birth canal and the baby must remain attached to the cord while the process continues to full completion. Only when this process is complete can the lungs fully function to oxygenate blood and transfer that to the brain, the nervous system and all other tissues.
A baby whose cord has been prematurely severed, with much of their lung function consequently absent for days at least is simply being brain-damaged continually, imagine how long it takes them to increase their blood volume to the requisite level and then fully enable the lung function, and do that with an already-damaged brain and nervous system, and compare that with how long it takes for oxygen-deprived neurological tissue to be permanently damaged. Any genuine and insightful doctor with even the slightest understanding and compassion would never do that to a newborn at this most critical time in their lives at a moment that couples have spent years carefully planning for. Such malicious and deliberately injurious abuse of the newborn by such imposter doctors and their dupes is specifically designed to completely undermine the care and attention of the parents and the future potential of the baby by deliberate hostile intent by what are actually invading Bolshevik soldiers, yet supposed genuine obstetricians with university degrees and years of experience insanely carry out the same sick act of war repeatedly, because they are not real doctors, but part of a hostile infiltrated military group that belong to an entirely different order of souls.
In Berlin, before WWII, around 50% of all doctors there were Jewish. The Jewish scriptures teach that a Jew can not heal a Gentile, it is forbidden, unless of course, failing to do so would reveal how much Jews actually hate the Gentiles, who are all classed by Jewish scriptures as eternally irredeemable non-living demon souls from Satan in three hellish spheres of creation, and not from god. Consider the story of the actually fictional Jesus in the account about the Syrophoenician woman's daughter, a Gentile, while Jesus is referred to in the NT as a rabbi several times. Jesus says it is not right to give blessings to anyone except the children of Israel, but of course, realizing his public situation, he reluctantly gives healing to the Gentile daughter, this story in fact really being intended as a cryptic manner of instruction to actual Jewish doctors who will be working among Gentiles to enable them to fulfil their deception whilst they work on a deeper level to do actually lethal damage to the Gentiles, like how the Jewish AMA head Morris Fishbein did in 1939 when he effectively banned the the original and fully proven Raymond Royal Rife radio beam technology that effectively cured 100% cases of cancer and all forms of pathogenic disease in mere minutes.
Consider Luke 14:26 KJV “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Then consider Isaiah 19:2, exactly the same thing, Jesus says only to love one another to his Jewish disciples, the Bible is another psy-op, created by the Jewish Piso family ostensibly as a link religion for the Roman Empire nations under Emperor Constantine, Constantine fell for the trick and accepted an actual Trojan horse Jewish psy-op weapon designed only to destroy, not to heal and advance, that has wrecked much of the world with cruel madness ever since.
The Jews consider themselves alone as having come from god, and also believe that they are in fact god on Earth, so when the Zohar says that all Gentiles in the world will be exterminated by their 'lord' in his wrath, consider just who and what that lord might actually be. The words of Rothschild cousin Karl Marx in 1849 give more indication; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust". When Queen Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492, senior Jews instructed those who were expelled to re-enter Spain and to pose as Christians, and then to take up suitable positions to work to shorten the lives of the 'goyim' to have their revenge on them, they were told to meddle in affairs of state (as politicians) also to pose as Christian clerics, as doctors and as apothecaries; we see the result today in the form of Tal Zaks, Al Bourla, Boris Johnson, Bill Gates, Zelensky, Klaus Schwab (his blood mother was actually a Jew), Noah Harari etc. etc. There can be no doubt why such Jews are working as doctors, medical researchers and politicians among Gentiles in Gentile nations.
The Jews have been expelled sometimes more than once from different nations and cities, for a total of 1031 times, and it is the palpably the case that similar instructions given to Jews to infiltrate and attack nations or cities who have expelled them will have been carried out many times and still are being carried out, hence the enormously disproportionate percentage of Jews in the medical and political fields of many Gentile nations, they are most certainly not there to do good, but to shorten the lives of the Gentiles whose nations they now infiltrate in military fashion in the most cruelly vindicative and vicious manner possible, with malevolent UK PM Boris Johnson who has openly admitted on video that he is actually Jewish and the tribally-dominated US government seemingly pushing for nuclear war with Russia to deliberately get the whites in the UK and Europe and the US and everyone else there turned to dust if he can, while they deliberately distribute Jewish-designed-and-manufactured COVID spike protein weapons disguised as protective vaccines, it just does not get more sick or evil than that.
Rabbi Laitman has stated openly how all Jews are actually an invading soul group from another dimension completely who have entered into the wombs of already-existing human peoples on this planet in order to come into this dimension of matter as 'spiritual commandos' as he refers to them and then conquer this planet. The scenario is not unlike that in the SF novel 'The Midwich Cuckoos' by John Wyndham. And this is the theme of the Judaic religion, a terrorist world-conquering death cult that is self-statedly obsessed with enslaving and ultimately exterminating all Gentile (actually human) life on this planet and then sending all Gentiles to hell at the end of the world.
It has been known for over two hundred years that premature tying off or severing of the cord produces a permanently weak child, just as pages 11-13 of the book 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley also exhibit a very similar method of producing a permanently intellectually limited slave class by deliberate oxygen deprivation during the maturation process in artificial wombs. That horrifically malevolent process of deliberately creating a mentally handicapped slave class by deliberate oxygen deprivation is a process that is really happening today that has got to be stopped.
Did you write a Substack about 9-11?