But we did not do this to ourselves. According to Dr Mercola, 95% of all newborns in the US for example have their umbilical cords severed within seconds of leaving the birth canal, just 'like we see in the movies' to ingrain the normality of such a process in our consciousness so that it looks to be the obvious and normal way to go about doing things, but this injurious process is actually causing permanent brain damage and damage to the function of will to create and maintain a handicapped and thus more easily subjugated and unaware slave class.
The umbilical cord should never be severed or tied off until 20 minutes or so after the baby has exited the birth canal, or until a continued pulse transferring blood from the mother to the baby is no longer present in the cord, and the colour of the cord indicates blood is no longer passing through it to the baby, which it surely does for a very natural, obvious and highly important and vital reason, all this being supposedly unbeknown and not obvious to allopathic obstetricians of course.
It has been estimated that 20% of a child's IQ is permanently destroyed by this effective zombification process. The Hollywood zombie movies are a Jewish joke, they love to see the real-life zombies they made in the audience unaware of the fact so that the dumbed-down goyim are actually made to laugh at cruel screen depictions of themselves, not realizing that the joke is really on them.
The lungs are compacted when in the womb, and the vascular system of them only fills and inflates the lungs when the transfer of blood from the mother is complete, this normally takes place to full completion after the baby has exited the birth canal and the baby must remain attached to the cord while the process continues to full completion. Only when this process is complete can the lungs fully function to oxygenate blood and transfer that to the brain, the nervous system and all other tissues.
A baby whose cord has been prematurely severed, with much of their lung function consequently absent for days at least is simply being brain-damaged continually, imagine how long it takes them to increase their blood volume to the requisite level and then fully enable the lung function, and do that with an already-damaged brain and nervous system, and compare that with how long it takes for oxygen-deprived neurological tissue to be permanently damaged. Any genuine and insightful doctor with even the slightest understanding and compassion would never do that to a newborn at this most critical time in their lives at a moment that couples have spent years carefully planning for. Such malicious and deliberately injurious abuse of the newborn by such imposter doctors and their dupes is specifically designed to completely undermine the care and attention of the parents and the future potential of the baby by deliberate hostile intent by what are actually invading Bolshevik soldiers, yet supposed genuine obstetricians with university degrees and years of experience insanely carry out the same sick act of war repeatedly, because they are not real doctors, but part of a hostile infiltrated military group that belong to an entirely different order of souls.
In Berlin, before WWII, around 50% of all doctors there were Jewish. The Jewish scriptures teach that a Jew can not heal a Gentile, it is forbidden, unless of course, failing to do so would reveal how much Jews actually hate the Gentiles, who are all classed by Jewish scriptures as eternally irredeemable non-living demon souls from Satan in three hellish spheres of creation, and not from god. Consider the story of the actually fictional Jesus in the account about the Syrophoenician woman's daughter, a Gentile, while Jesus is referred to in the NT as a rabbi several times. Jesus says it is not right to give blessings to anyone except the children of Israel, but of course, realizing his public situation, he reluctantly gives healing to the Gentile daughter, this story in fact really being intended as a cryptic manner of instruction to actual Jewish doctors who will be working among Gentiles to enable them to fulfil their deception whilst they work on a deeper level to do actually lethal damage to the Gentiles, like how the Jewish AMA head Morris Fishbein did in 1939 when he effectively banned the the original and fully proven Raymond Royal Rife radio beam technology that effectively cured 100% cases of cancer and all forms of pathogenic disease in mere minutes.
Consider Luke 14:26 KJV “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Then consider Isaiah 19:2, exactly the same thing, Jesus says only to love one another to his Jewish disciples, the Bible is another psy-op, created by the Jewish Piso family ostensibly as a link religion for the Roman Empire nations under Emperor Constantine, Constantine fell for the trick and accepted an actual Trojan horse Jewish psy-op weapon designed only to destroy, not to heal and advance, that has wrecked much of the world with cruel madness ever since.
The Jews consider themselves alone as having come from god, and also believe that they are in fact god on Earth, so when the Zohar says that all Gentiles in the world will be exterminated by their 'lord' in his wrath, consider just who and what that lord might actually be. The words of Rothschild cousin Karl Marx in 1849 give more indication; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust". When Queen Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492, senior Jews instructed those who were expelled to re-enter Spain and to pose as Christians, and then to take up suitable positions to work to shorten the lives of the 'goyim' to have their revenge on them, they were told to meddle in affairs of state (as politicians) also to pose as Christian clerics, as doctors and as apothecaries; we see the result today in the form of Tal Zaks, Al Bourla, Boris Johnson, Bill Gates, Zelensky, Klaus Schwab (his blood mother was actually a Jew), Noah Harari etc. etc. There can be no doubt why such Jews are working as doctors, medical researchers and politicians among Gentiles in Gentile nations.
The Jews have been expelled sometimes more than once from different nations and cities, for a total of 1031 times, and it is the palpably the case that similar instructions given to Jews to infiltrate and attack nations or cities who have expelled them will have been carried out many times and still are being carried out, hence the enormously disproportionate percentage of Jews in the medical and political fields of many Gentile nations, they are most certainly not there to do good, but to shorten the lives of the Gentiles whose nations they now infiltrate in military fashion in the most cruelly vindicative and vicious manner possible, with malevolent UK PM Boris Johnson who has openly admitted on video that he is actually Jewish and the tribally-dominated US government seemingly pushing for nuclear war with Russia to deliberately get the whites in the UK and Europe and the US and everyone else there turned to dust if he can, while they deliberately distribute Jewish-designed-and-manufactured COVID spike protein weapons disguised as protective vaccines, it just does not get more sick or evil than that.
Rabbi Laitman has stated openly how all Jews are actually an invading soul group from another dimension completely who have entered into the wombs of already-existing human peoples on this planet in order to come into this dimension of matter as 'spiritual commandos' as he refers to them and then conquer this planet. The scenario is not unlike that in the SF novel 'The Midwich Cuckoos' by John Wyndham. And this is the theme of the Judaic religion, a terrorist world-conquering death cult that is self-statedly obsessed with enslaving and ultimately exterminating all Gentile (actually human) life on this planet and then sending all Gentiles to hell at the end of the world.
It has been known for over two hundred years that premature tying off or severing of the cord produces a permanently weak child, just as pages 11-13 of the book 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley also exhibit a very similar method of producing a permanently intellectually limited slave class by deliberate oxygen deprivation during the maturation process in artificial wombs. That horrifically malevolent process of deliberately creating a mentally handicapped slave class by deliberate oxygen deprivation is a process that is really happening today that has got to be stopped.
You seem to have a very good understanding of the inter-dimensional aspect of human spirituality as well as the Jewish-based issue of Zionism aided by the "groveling goy." I intend to cover all of this in the future so as the common person may be able to better grasp this rather complicated topic. Judaic doctrine seems to create the immense social discord we find in the world today.
But we did not do this to ourselves. According to Dr Mercola, 95% of all newborns in the US for example have their umbilical cords severed within seconds of leaving the birth canal, just 'like we see in the movies' to ingrain the normality of such a process in our consciousness so that it looks to be the obvious and normal way to go about doing things, but this injurious process is actually causing permanent brain damage and damage to the function of will to create and maintain a handicapped and thus more easily subjugated and unaware slave class.
The umbilical cord should never be severed or tied off until 20 minutes or so after the baby has exited the birth canal, or until a continued pulse transferring blood from the mother to the baby is no longer present in the cord, and the colour of the cord indicates blood is no longer passing through it to the baby, which it surely does for a very natural, obvious and highly important and vital reason, all this being supposedly unbeknown and not obvious to allopathic obstetricians of course.
It has been estimated that 20% of a child's IQ is permanently destroyed by this effective zombification process. The Hollywood zombie movies are a Jewish joke, they love to see the real-life zombies they made in the audience unaware of the fact so that the dumbed-down goyim are actually made to laugh at cruel screen depictions of themselves, not realizing that the joke is really on them.
The lungs are compacted when in the womb, and the vascular system of them only fills and inflates the lungs when the transfer of blood from the mother is complete, this normally takes place to full completion after the baby has exited the birth canal and the baby must remain attached to the cord while the process continues to full completion. Only when this process is complete can the lungs fully function to oxygenate blood and transfer that to the brain, the nervous system and all other tissues.
A baby whose cord has been prematurely severed, with much of their lung function consequently absent for days at least is simply being brain-damaged continually, imagine how long it takes them to increase their blood volume to the requisite level and then fully enable the lung function, and do that with an already-damaged brain and nervous system, and compare that with how long it takes for oxygen-deprived neurological tissue to be permanently damaged. Any genuine and insightful doctor with even the slightest understanding and compassion would never do that to a newborn at this most critical time in their lives at a moment that couples have spent years carefully planning for. Such malicious and deliberately injurious abuse of the newborn by such imposter doctors and their dupes is specifically designed to completely undermine the care and attention of the parents and the future potential of the baby by deliberate hostile intent by what are actually invading Bolshevik soldiers, yet supposed genuine obstetricians with university degrees and years of experience insanely carry out the same sick act of war repeatedly, because they are not real doctors, but part of a hostile infiltrated military group that belong to an entirely different order of souls.
In Berlin, before WWII, around 50% of all doctors there were Jewish. The Jewish scriptures teach that a Jew can not heal a Gentile, it is forbidden, unless of course, failing to do so would reveal how much Jews actually hate the Gentiles, who are all classed by Jewish scriptures as eternally irredeemable non-living demon souls from Satan in three hellish spheres of creation, and not from god. Consider the story of the actually fictional Jesus in the account about the Syrophoenician woman's daughter, a Gentile, while Jesus is referred to in the NT as a rabbi several times. Jesus says it is not right to give blessings to anyone except the children of Israel, but of course, realizing his public situation, he reluctantly gives healing to the Gentile daughter, this story in fact really being intended as a cryptic manner of instruction to actual Jewish doctors who will be working among Gentiles to enable them to fulfil their deception whilst they work on a deeper level to do actually lethal damage to the Gentiles, like how the Jewish AMA head Morris Fishbein did in 1939 when he effectively banned the the original and fully proven Raymond Royal Rife radio beam technology that effectively cured 100% cases of cancer and all forms of pathogenic disease in mere minutes.
Consider Luke 14:26 KJV “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Then consider Isaiah 19:2, exactly the same thing, Jesus says only to love one another to his Jewish disciples, the Bible is another psy-op, created by the Jewish Piso family ostensibly as a link religion for the Roman Empire nations under Emperor Constantine, Constantine fell for the trick and accepted an actual Trojan horse Jewish psy-op weapon designed only to destroy, not to heal and advance, that has wrecked much of the world with cruel madness ever since.
The Jews consider themselves alone as having come from god, and also believe that they are in fact god on Earth, so when the Zohar says that all Gentiles in the world will be exterminated by their 'lord' in his wrath, consider just who and what that lord might actually be. The words of Rothschild cousin Karl Marx in 1849 give more indication; "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust". When Queen Isabella expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492, senior Jews instructed those who were expelled to re-enter Spain and to pose as Christians, and then to take up suitable positions to work to shorten the lives of the 'goyim' to have their revenge on them, they were told to meddle in affairs of state (as politicians) also to pose as Christian clerics, as doctors and as apothecaries; we see the result today in the form of Tal Zaks, Al Bourla, Boris Johnson, Bill Gates, Zelensky, Klaus Schwab (his blood mother was actually a Jew), Noah Harari etc. etc. There can be no doubt why such Jews are working as doctors, medical researchers and politicians among Gentiles in Gentile nations.
The Jews have been expelled sometimes more than once from different nations and cities, for a total of 1031 times, and it is the palpably the case that similar instructions given to Jews to infiltrate and attack nations or cities who have expelled them will have been carried out many times and still are being carried out, hence the enormously disproportionate percentage of Jews in the medical and political fields of many Gentile nations, they are most certainly not there to do good, but to shorten the lives of the Gentiles whose nations they now infiltrate in military fashion in the most cruelly vindicative and vicious manner possible, with malevolent UK PM Boris Johnson who has openly admitted on video that he is actually Jewish and the tribally-dominated US government seemingly pushing for nuclear war with Russia to deliberately get the whites in the UK and Europe and the US and everyone else there turned to dust if he can, while they deliberately distribute Jewish-designed-and-manufactured COVID spike protein weapons disguised as protective vaccines, it just does not get more sick or evil than that.
Rabbi Laitman has stated openly how all Jews are actually an invading soul group from another dimension completely who have entered into the wombs of already-existing human peoples on this planet in order to come into this dimension of matter as 'spiritual commandos' as he refers to them and then conquer this planet. The scenario is not unlike that in the SF novel 'The Midwich Cuckoos' by John Wyndham. And this is the theme of the Judaic religion, a terrorist world-conquering death cult that is self-statedly obsessed with enslaving and ultimately exterminating all Gentile (actually human) life on this planet and then sending all Gentiles to hell at the end of the world.
It has been known for over two hundred years that premature tying off or severing of the cord produces a permanently weak child, just as pages 11-13 of the book 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley also exhibit a very similar method of producing a permanently intellectually limited slave class by deliberate oxygen deprivation during the maturation process in artificial wombs. That horrifically malevolent process of deliberately creating a mentally handicapped slave class by deliberate oxygen deprivation is a process that is really happening today that has got to be stopped.
You seem to have a very good understanding of the inter-dimensional aspect of human spirituality as well as the Jewish-based issue of Zionism aided by the "groveling goy." I intend to cover all of this in the future so as the common person may be able to better grasp this rather complicated topic. Judaic doctrine seems to create the immense social discord we find in the world today.
Thankyou for your reply, I look forward very much to reading your next article.
Did you write a Substack about 9-11?
No, I did not but only because this topic has been covered by others
Just wondered about your take on it. Others' views are all over the map, and the forensic investigations seem lacking and contradictory.
Be afraid. The scumbags that did 9/11 are still out there.